As reported earlier, Syunik-Development NGO within the framework of the Improvement of Income Possibilities in Rural Areas of Armenia project, organized a series of three-month
digital marketing courses with the participation of youth from the Vayots Dzor Province.
The project targeted young people from the Vayots Dzor Province who were interested in marketing tools, had some theoretical knowledge, desired to acquire a new profession, and
had level 3 English skills.
The courses were organized in a hybrid form to increase the level of student engagement and thus make the video recording of each course available to students in the future.
This series of digital marketing courses enabled the youth of the province not only to gain knowledge but also to develop the business aspects of their social media pages by
applying theoretical knowledge in practice․
At the end of the project, Artur Asatryan, ADS Coordinator at TCF Armenia, rewarded the top three participants with an advertising budget to ensure the promotion of the business
aspects of their social media pages.