Siranuysh camp, which is situated in Yeghegis gorge, is a ,,brand,, for residents in Vayots Dzor region. With the support of the Swiss HEKS/EPER organization, Syunik-Development NGO has been able to host a summer camp every year for youth for over 10 years.
These camps are organized under the scope of ,,Youth for Peace,, this project is a unique opportunity for teenagers from both Armenia and Georgia to interact with youth from a different culture. During the camp, participants meet people with diverse backgrounds, improve their communication skills with representatives from different nations, while also gaining new skills and knowledge from their peers.
From August 1-12th the camp hosted 60 teenagers from Armenia and Georgia between the ages of 16-18. Armenian participants were mainly chosen from the border and remote villages of Vayots Dzor region. The camp involved youth with excellent academic records, creativity, and who have a minimum level of elementary Russian in order to communicate with one another.
During the camp participants received language lessons, informal sessions on peace, sport/intellectual games, drama lessons, singing, arts and crafts, and dancing. At the end of the trip we ended with an excursion to Noravank monastery in order to share more of the Armenian culture with our Georgian participants.
While the camp was in session participants were able to receive free dental services from the Armenian Dentists Association in California. We had 10 dentists from the association spend their vacation in Siranuysh camp and donate their time and services to the participants and surrounding residents of Siranuysh.
With the help of the community each year during the 10 days camp, they are able to donate their time and donate free dental services. Sine 1995 more than 2500 people have been benefit from the services.
It is a tradition to organize a bonfire at the end of the camp each year and invite alumni from different years, parents, teachers, and church and local government representatives and youth organizations to commemorate the end of the camp.
