Facilitation: the art of making your meetings and workshops purposeful and time-efficient.
Within the framework of the Social Development Program in Vayots Dzor region financed by Brot für die Welt, Syunik-Development NGO implements capacity building of young professionals. The program gives young professionals an opportunity to have internship at Syunik NGO departments and to acquire project management skills and be competitive in the labor market. In-house trainings are part of the component. From 6th to 9th of February a four-day workshop was organized for the professionals on Facilitation which aimed at providing participants skills on team building, discussions, meetings, and effective management skills. During the four-day workshop, participants learned the features of the facilitator, conflict resolution methods, effective communication skills, and the rules for creating a working agenda. The training was conducted by NGO staff members Naira Harutyunyan and Hasmik Galstyan, who participated in the “Training for Trainers” project on the topic of Facilitation organized by the HEKS/EPER Swiss organization.
Such initiatives will be sustainable and will contribute to the development of knowledge and skills of staff members.
