The German Brot für die Welt Protestant Development Service, which is one of the main driving force of the European Union, supports projects that would help lead to improved recognition and relationships between the two ancient countries of the Caucasus by helping for mutual recognition, friendship strengthening and exchanging of experience.
From July 07-12, 2017, in the scope of its Social Development Program, Syunik-Development NGO conducted the second Training of Trainers (ToT) which aimed at providing youth leaders and trainers already active in the field with important skills and knowledge on conflict analysis, management, transformation, mediation, and regulation. The ToT was held in the Lucy-Tour hotel located in Hermon Village of the Vayots Dzor region in cooperation with the Georgian Youth for Diplomatic Engagement NGO. The project was carried out in non-formal education methods: individual and group work, interactive games and exercises, discussions, as well as questions and answers. The training was conducted by Artak Ayunc, who is one of the best trainers in the field, and has bachelor’s and PhD degree in Sociology from Yerevan State University, and master’s degree in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford, United Kingdom. Twenty students from higher education institutions of Armenia and Georgia, as well as young people and leaders actively involved in the activities of non-governmental organizations participated in the ToT.
“We believe that such programs enable young people to acquire new skills and knowledge that enable them to become active members of their communities and later allow them to involve their peers in the process of implementing community development projects. The program is also a good platform for young people to share their experiences and practices as well as to strengthen further communication and cooperation,” noted Arpine Nikolyan, one of the ToT participants.
“I have heard a lot about Syunik NGO projects and activities from my friends, and I wanted to participate in one of them. I am really glad that I had the opportunity to participate in the ToT project. After the completion of the training, I realized why my friends were so impressed by Syunik NGO projects. The success of the project was dependent on both the skilled trainer and the participants,” noted Nana Beruashvili.
A cultural evening was part of the training during which time the participants had the opportunity to present about their cultures and traditions as well as raise awareness about their national values.
As part of the training, after the completing of the training, within six month, the alumni need to conduct follow up workshops in their communities to gain experience.
In the third year of the project, a final concluding conference will be conducted in Armenia, which aims to share the project results and experience.
Syunik-Development NGO is confident, that new contacts and experience sharing opportunities will be created as a result of this work.