Charity is at its strongest when it is more than just the monetary value of donated funds, but rather considered as part of a sustained and nurtured relationship. For years, Nerses the Great Benevolent NGO and the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR) that are acting within the frame of American assistance programs has been implementing many programs to benefit orphans, disadvantaged families, and other at-risk groups. Many children and families living in Vayots Dzor region have benefited from this strong tradition of charitable actions offered by Nerses the Great Benevolent NGO. In 2016, Syunik-Development NGO together with Nerses the Great Benevolent NGO and FAR worked together to provide shoes to school-aged children living in 14 rural communities across the Vayots Dzor region. The charity project was implemented in Gomk, Arin, Zedea, Martiros, Khndzorut, Artavan, Saravan, Herher, Karmrashen, Sers, Bardzruni, Horbategh, Hermon and Vardahovit Villages. In addition, Syunik NGO’s Clever Baby Development Center that runs in the Chiva Community Center as well as the Rainbow Kindergarten located in Yeghegnadzor have both benefited from this project. The project had two phases: during the first phase, Syunik-Development NGO prepared the list of all aforementioned community schools and needy families. During the second phase, about 1500 shoes were distributed to the beneficiaries. Syunik-Development NGO and the project beneficiary communities express their deepest gratitude to the Nerses the Great Benevolent NGO and FAR for their continued support.